Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I have been feeling overwhelmed lately. I started my classes last week. I am so lost in my chemistry class. All those equations and stuff like that. Plus finding the time to do my homework, studying and projects every week for both of my classes.
Andrew has been clinging to me like velcro lately and Madison and MJ have been sooooo cranky. Sometimes I want to run away or hide in a room and lock the door.
On top of finding time to study, take care of kids, the house and my business I now need to find time to exercise. Next week I am having a test done to see if I have diabetes. I am showing more than one sign of having it so I really need to get that done and in order to get rid of it I need to start exercising more and eating healthier. I need a micro manager. Yup, someone to plan my every step then I can check off the list of things I need to do. I would do it myself but just making the list is overwhelming. Great Andrew is awake from his 10 minute nap. Did I mention he hasn't taken a decent nap in over a week?

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